


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Delphi Auto Backup

By Fajar  |  January 02, 2013 3 comments

Delphi Auto Backup main screen Delphi Auto Backup main screen
This is an auto backup and restore program with time schedule. I developed this program in year 2009 for my office.
Software & Components for developing
1. Delphi 7
2. EhLib
3. Zip Master
4. Cool Tray Icon
How to install
1 Download the compiled executable files & save it to any folder.
2 Run BackupRestore

How to use
1. Run setup, click Log On button without any password.
2. If you want to change Log On password, just key in New PasswordConfirm Password then click on Save Password
3. Profile can be any name, it is for display purposes.
4. Backup from Folder/File is the source folder or source filename
5. Backup to Folder is the destination folder
6. Backup Filename is the Zip file name, all files & folder will backup to this filename
7. Prefix add a name in front of Backup Filename
8. Password is use to protect the backuped zip file
9. Use Date will overwrite the Backup Filename, it use system date as the filename
10. Use Time will overwrite the Backup Filename, it use system time as the filename
11. Enable to determine whether enable or disable the Profile
12. Schedule Time is the time to start backup
13. Schedule Name can be any name
Delphi Auto Backup Setup ScreenDelphi Auto Backup Setup Screen
As shown in figure above is the setup screen for Auto Backup. Two are two backup job, only Backup1 will execute since Backup2 is disabled.

The backup job will start at 13.00 & 17.30 every day.
Running the Auto Backup program will not display the main window on the screen, it sit at the task bar (next to the clock) as a diskette icon. To open the main window, right click the diskette icon and select Show Window.
From the Main Window, you can running backup & restore immediately. Highlight a backup job from profile & click onStart Backup to start backup job immediately. To backup all jobs, just click on Start Multiple Backup button.
To restore backup-ed file, click on Restore tab, make sure Backup From & Backup To is correctly enter. Click the... button will popup dialog to change the Backup From & Backup To.
In order to inform the client computers that the backup job will be start, the Client.exe is use to install in other computers. Whenever a backup job is trigger (start or complete), it will alert the client. See 
Some file information
  • Setup.exe is use to set the settings for Auto Backup.
  • BackupRestore.exe is the main Auto Backup program.
  • Setting.Dat is the configuration file for BackupRestore.exe, it is the Ms Access database. 
  • Client.exe is the program install in client computers
  • Setting.txt is the setting file for Client.exe.

Author: Fajar

Hello, I am Author, decode to know more: In commodo magna nisl, ac porta turpis blandit quis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo magna nisl, ac porta turpis blandit quis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


  1. mas Fajar.ane buka sourcenya di delphi, pas ane run ko muncul eror = file not found 'aes.dcu'
    kira2 kenapa ya mas...????

  2. @ajat kuntoro

    Pastikan komponen pendukug untuk develop sudah terpasang mas

    1. Delphi 7
    2. EhLib
    3. Zip Master
    4. Cool Tray Icon

  3. Gan bisa kirimin source codenya buat referensi,kirim ke email thank's


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