Here's a what TChromeTabs can do.
- The tab container can be tranparent and painted over Vista Aero glass.
- Tabs can have any level of transparency.
- All movement and style transitions can be optionally animated.
- Tabs can be pinned to the side of the container.
- Each tab can have both an image and overlay image.
- Full BiDi and Unicode support
- BiDi tabs and controls can be aligned to the right.
- BiDi text can be aligned to the right.* Unicode supported in IDE versions from Delphi 2009

- Mouse glow - a glow is painted over the hot tabs.
- Modified glow - a glow is drawn moving across the top of the a tab when it has been modified.

- All controls support gradiants and alpha levels.
- Different look and feel for Active, Not Active and Hot states.
- All controls support borders.
- Tabs can be any height.
- Control shapes can be altered using events.
- Dyanmically resizing tabs
- Maximum and minimum tab sizes
- Various text truncation options including ellipses and fade.
- Intelligent content visibility. Tab details will be shown hidden depending on the width of the tab.
- Auto hide close button when tab width is too small.
- Full scrolling support.
- Scroll buttons can be overlayed and automatically hidden.
- Scrolling automatically enabled when minimum tab width is reached.
- Tabs are autoscrolled when a tab is being dragged.
- Fully animated tab drag and drop
- Drag and drop tabs to new positions.
- Fully automated drag and drop tabs between containers.
- Built in tab drag image. All you need to do is supply the wincontrol in an event.
- Intelligent tab resizing when the close button is clicked.
- Demo application allows access to all TChromeTabs features and properties including a look and feel editor.
- Options and LookAndFeel properties can be saved to/loaded from a file or stream.