29 - iButton Reader
This program reads the serial number of a Dalls / Maxim iButton.
28 - File Date Time Changer
This program can set all files or a number of selected files in a directory to the same date and time. At the same time it can change the file names to upper or lower case.
27 - HTML Tag Stripper
An HTML file can have a lot of useless tags inside, like the FONT tag. If we want to improve such a document, at least all font tags must be removed and replaced by CSS. This program can remove tags or make them empty.
26 - File Histogram
This program makes a Histogram of the byte contents of a file. It reads a file and counts the bytes inside that file. Then it places the counted bytes in a graph with one bar for each byte. The longest bar represents the highest number of bytes.It starts with byte $00 on the left side and ends wit $FF on the right.

25 - Binary Clock
Put a Binary Clock on your screen. Nobody can read it, only you know when it is coffee time. It is only for fun. Modes: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal and Roman numbers.
24 - Floppy to CDRom
This program can copy systematically all data files from the old floppy disks to the hard disk. Then they can be saved on a CDRom.
23 - Baby Type
If you have a baby, then with this program she or he can type. All you need is a Windows computer and a baby who can hit at the keyboard.
22 - Rollover Factory
Make automatically all your "Rollover" images with one key press.All rollovers on this site are made with this program.

21 - Batch File Maker
This program is made to help me with making the downloadable ZIP files for the Delphi section of this site. You can drag and drop files and then the program makes a Batch file to ZIP automatically these selected files.
20 - Computer Logbook
To log the startup, running time, shutdown and crashes from my computer. All information is stored in a DBF file for a detailed analyzing.
19 - Log file Downloader
To download my download log file and save it in a DBF file for further processing.
18 - Nutrition Calculator
When I made this program, I spent so much time on it that I had almost no time to eat. So I lost really some weight.
16 - Stepper Sales Tool Setup
This is a kind of file copy program to copy files from a CD-rom to the hard disk.
15 - Message Thread Downloader
With this program you can download a complete thread of messages, instead of clicking many times on the next page button. Only the source code is available.
14 - Application Note Generator
The Delphi section of this site is made with this program. The page content is stored in a database and automatically placed in a template.
13 - Comma Test
To demonstrate the Power of Delphi. Change easily the local settings, like decimal separator or date format
11 - RS232 Communication Program
A RS232 terminal program with built-in facilities for communication with Superior Electric motion controls. The program has also some automatic test features for these units.
10 - Elterm 24 Emulator
This is a computer version from a small "Operator Interface Panel". It does the same, but cost less. It is very nice for testing
09 - Motor / Drive Cable Selector
Which cable belongs to which motor and drive? This program can give you the right type. Before to be used, make sure all of the data is correct.
08 - SEBasic to HTML
After making programs for Superior Electric motion control, I would put them on Internet. However, the result was only some plain text. This program does the conversion from this plain text to colored HTML.
06 - Stepper Motor Demo
You want to have a stepping motor on your screen? Look here is one. It is the simplest motor you can imagine, but it works like a real one
02 - G-Code to SEBasic
Convert "G Codes" like G90 X2000 F250 to a new type programming language. It handles distance, speed and In and Outputs. Not the serial communication.