


Wednesday 31 October 2012

FastReport error di Delphi XE2

By Fajar  |  October 31, 2012 No comments

The FastReport Designer cannot find classes and the IDE wants to remove 
FastReport Components from forms.

Pernah saya menjumpai teman yang menggunakan Delphi XE2 Fast Report sebagai reportnya mempunyai error sebagai berikut

This error causes by GroupDescendentsWith(TfrxReport, TControl); code.
This code hides TfrxReport from FierMonkey and for some reason 
"FindClass" function can't find for TfrxReport class when you're loading 
report(only in IDE).
If you can't load report or get similar error with "Couldn't find 
TfrxReport" message

Cara mengatasi Error FastReport di Delphi XE2Use link without space

copykan semua file yang berada di dalam ,dan replace All

If you can't load report or get similar error with "Couldn't find 
TfrxReport" message, put this files to "Fast 
Report\LibD16" dir (replace all).

Author: Fajar

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