Saya anggap anda sudah mengerti cara menginstal DSPACK
jika belum berikut ini cara menginstal DSPACK di Delphi 7
Jika sudah tahu caranya silahkan download DSPACK untuk Delphi XE2 disini
Jika ada error coba simak perbincangan berikut
RAD Studio XE2 was released for some time now ... I'm just wondering if anyone managed to create a DSPack version for it.
I'm also interested in the x64 version .. if sucha beast can be really moved on
With some assistance, I've come across a workaround using the 2010 package.
1) Add both src/DirectX9 and src/DSPack to the IDE's library path
2) save the DirectShow9 unit as DirectShow9B (don't forget the unit statement)
3) Open the DSPackD2010 project group
4) In the project options add a unit alias "DirectShow9=DirectShow9B"
You should now be able to build DSPack_D2010.bpl and then install DSPackDesign_D2010.bpl
If the project source hasn't yet been updated, you may need to also make the DSEditor.pas fix noted in issue 9 which is to update the uses clause of DSEditors.pas with support for XE and XE2
{$IFDEF VER140} DesignIntf, DesignEditors, {$ELSE}
{$IFDEF VER150} DesignIntf, DesignEditors, {$ELSE}
{$IFDEF VER170} DesignIntf, DesignEditors, {$ELSE}
{$IFDEF VER180} DesignIntf, DesignEditors, {$ELSE}
{$IFDEF VER200} DesignIntf, DesignEditors, {$ELSE}
{$IFDEF VER210} DesignIntf, DesignEditors, {$ELSE}
{$IFDEF VER220} DesignIntf, DesignEditors, {$ELSE}
{$IFDEF VER230} DesignIntf, DesignEditors, {$ELSE}
Forms, Controls, DXSUtil, DSPack;
Darn, I still get an error in DSUtil line 1050:B
[DCC Error] DSUtil.pas(1050): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'FrameRateCode'
+ several others...
Odd, The FrameRadeCode error happens when the IDE finds Winapi.DirectX9 unit instead of the DirectX9 unit that is with DSPack. Saving DirectShow9 as DirectShow9B and then setting up the unit alias should take care of that problem.
I also assume that you have updated your DSPack source using TortoiseSVN or the built-in Subversion support in XE2.
SVN download should be ok using:
However, I did a mistake and did not remove the old DirectShow9 file, just copied it. I also needed to pick up the latest version of
However, another problem now:
Building DSPack_D2010.dproj (Débogage, Win32)
brcc32 command line for "DSPack_D2010.vrc"
[DCC Fatal Error] DSPack.pas(54): F1026 File not found: 'DirectShow9B.dcu'
Any ideas?
If you just used the file system to copy DirectShow9.pas to DirectShow9B.pas, then you'll need to edit DirectShow9B.pas and change the unit statement from
unit DirectShow9;
unit DirectShow9 B ;
(Doing a "Save As" from the IDE will rename the file and update the unit statement.)
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Cara downloadya gimana ya gan? oiya sy pake delphi xe tuh sama ga ya? trims
ReplyDeletedownloadnya make ini mas U
donwload nya dimana ini buat delphi XE 2