Author: Jaroslav Brovin
License type: Open Source
Video Review: http: // v = bzEzOU3EWI4
Paket ini termasuk beberapa komponen:
- TfgProgressDialog, TfgActivityDialog - Indication of the long running operations (iOS, Android)
- TfgVirtualKeyboard - Simplified work with virtual keyboard (iOS, Android)
- TfgActionSheet - page to select the action ( )
- TfgGradientEdit - Improved control to set the gradient
- TfgColorsPanel - set of colors, allows the user to select any color.
- TfgLinkedLabel - label with a link. By clicking the link opens in the browser (supports all platforms)
Special components for displaying notifications of longtime operation (downloading, authorization): TfgProgressDialog and TfgActivityDialog
TfgProgressDialog - If you can estimate duration of long time operation (count of downloaded files, size of file and etc.).
TfgActivityDialog - if you can not estimate duration of long time operation (Response from server, authorization).
Working under iOS:

Work under Android (Higher than GingerBread 2.3):

Work under Android (GingerBread 2.3):

Working under iOS:

Work under Android (Higher than GingerBread 2.3):

Work under Android (GingerBread 2.3):


